Saturday, January 26, 2013

Away from self torture

There's no other way but forgiveness.

Marriage may be many things but it cannot be without forgiveness. The best chocolate is never the sweetest. Sometimes some bitter and salty taste makes it just the perfect one.

All deep relationships are rooted on a cycle of saying sorry, doing the same mistake, saying sorry again and hopefully learning from them.

Today, God taught me how to deal with offense. It hurts like crazy but the Holy Spirit was with me, certainly. I asked, "Lord please help me take this matter in a mature way; this can no longer be hidden under my pillow of tears."

God led me to communicate to my husband exactly how I felt about the issue and SUDDENLY, peace just surrounded me.  Pain had lost its sting on me.

Sometimes when things are unfair, several ideas come to mind on how to heal our hearts. Our antidote is composed of attack or escape and revenge or neglect.

If  I only learned earlier to let the Spirit represent me, I would have spared myself from unnecessary tears and  self torture.