Sunday, October 23, 2011

Been out for some time

For this month, life has been tough and rough. Now I am writing again to tell everyone that Jesus is alive. He has worked in ways very surprising.

Stormy marriage occupied and clouded my thoughts. I am being taught about forgiveness lately and it was the most difficult lecture I have heard so far. I mean I am not just hearing about it, I had to learn it through the bruises in my heart. God has made people's marriage really imperfect so we could only look up to Him and say,"Oh I almost forgot, this marriage isn't about us, but about You displaying Your love, Your mercy, Your grace". The moment you forgot about God (in all human relationships) is the moment you actually lose those people you thought you are related with.

There is no human relationship that will truly flourish without the Lord. Nothing. Love binds relationships, God is love, without God, you have nothing to do with each other. You'll just hurt yourselves till you bleed to death.

However, God is not the magic formula so we could get along with each other. God is not only The Source of love, but He is the reason why we love. By that I mean, we need to learn how to consciously love the other person simply because we love Who made that person.
Images from:

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